(click on photos to enlarge)
We've never seen anything like that... it's almost as big as our school
I guess it's right when they say "everything is bigger in America" - imagine doing Ruperti sucht den Superstar in such a big auditorium (for about 1000 people). Everything is so exciting that we had to send emails back home using some of the numerous huge Apple/MACs that are available here.
Working on MACs was easier than trying to work out how to open the lockers... I (Ms Lacoste) hate to admit that, but the boys were better at it than the girls (see photo)... However in the (Bavarian) evening, the girls did a better job at dancing than the boys... (was that so.. I doubt it (Mr. Fenzl)).
We want to apologize to the parents for saying American school were stricter than German ones. The photo speaks for itself... It is not surprising that by 11:00 the students are hungry since their first lesson starts at 7:15 (we get up between 5:15 and 5:30 every day). The other two photos are: Mr Herrman working hard (until about 4 o'clock every day) and then Mr Fenzl and Mr Herrman relaxing with the dogs in the sun (28 degrees... of course not Fahrenheit!) :-)
Mr Hermann & Mr Fenzl => two very cool men =)
AntwortenLöschenI agree! From what I've seen, they are great, hard-working teachers. It looks like they cooperate all the time to get the job done right.
AntwortenLöscheni also agree! They have been working hard and as a matter of fact they are in this room working together right now. Everything has been successful and fun.
AntwortenLöschenIt's true, everything is bigger in America. Sometimes we take great advantage of that. However, I'm happy we have these things because it gives us a place to get together in such a large school. And the computers make school work easier. But the lockers are one thing that not only German students have problems using, I couldn't get my locker open the first whole year I was at Horizon.
AntwortenLöschenEverything is alot cooler in the us regarding the age limits in germany. have fun German students.
AntwortenLöschenCamden 1st hour
the Easter bunny is a creepy individual...
AntwortenLöschenDo you enjoy Horizon or Ruperti-Gymnasium more?
AntwortenLöschenMeghan is right we do take advantage of the things we have in the U.S. and that sometimes leads to bad things. I guess thats why the age limit is different for drinking. Germans are much more responsible when drinking.
AntwortenLöschenyes our school is pretty cool i have to say! Its really big as you said but you cant get lost cause it goes in a big circle.
AntwortenLöschenI couldn't imagine German schools being stricter than our school. But then again, maybe it's just because we're used to this school.
AntwortenLöscheni like how Taylor is eating in the hall way with the sign above him that says no eating in hall that's funny shows how much we listen hahahah
AntwortenLöschenis your guys school bigger then ours??do you have simular things in your school like ours?? :)
AntwortenLöschentanners jst chillin in the hall ha.
AntwortenLöschenHey guys! I'm just wondering how you all like our school? How different is it? And I don't know what Ruperti sucht den Superstar, but it translated to Ruperti Idol. I'm guessing that this is like our American Idol. Cool though! Glad you like the auditorium. Your welcome to come see the last school play this Thursday and Friday, April 8 & 9. Look for posters around the school. :)
AntwortenLöschenahah Tannner.
AntwortenLöschenis our school ginormous?
I would love to see your school. I bet its smaller but nicer. lol.
AntwortenLöschenYou guys don't have a wight room at your school